two ladies celebrating with confetti
two ladies celebrating with confetti

The importance of data-driven marketing

Data is one of the most valuable assets an organisation owns. If you want to understand how to get the most from data and make it work harder for your business, you’re in the right place.

Data is arguably the most valuable asset an organisation owns

The likes of Google, Apple and Amazon have all built their success on data. Those companies are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to data-driven commercial success, with tens of thousands of businesses in the UK and globally using the power of information they hold to gain a competitive advantage.

Of course, no business grows without finding and retaining customers. Data can help aid your understanding of all the wants and needs of your target audience, and tell you how to reach, engage and reward them more effectively.



How to use data to meet marketing objectives

How to use data to keep customers coming back

Did you know that increasing customer retention rates by 5% can boost profits over 25%?1 It’s therefore crucial to use data to build relationships with customers. Find out how to use data for customer retention.

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How to use data to find and target new customers

Using existing data to pinpoint the best people to target can take the pain out of prospecting. This is perfect if one of your marketing objectives is customer acquisition.

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Enrich data with tools and software

The marketplace is awash with tools to help you get the most out of your existing data. Using these resources can allow you to append more information for more complete profiles, where the additional information is relevant and of course compliant.

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Test and measure your data-driven campaigns 

If you struggle with getting a clear line of sight from campaign spend to ROMI, data will help measure the performance of your marketing and plan future initiatives.

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The importance of complying with GDPR and other Data Regulations

Compliance with current data regulations is crucial to keep customer data secure. Organisations have a responsibility to protect individuals from the misuse of information about them. Data in the wrong hands might result in an individual becoming the target of identity theft and fraud, and potentially suffer other consequences as well.

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