JD Williams

Increasing basket conversion using programmatic mail.



JD Williams wanted to see if a new media channel could help improve their retargeting response rates.  Could physical mail deliver greater cut-through than email or banner ads?


JD Williams set up a trial with Paperplanes designed to deliver conclusive answers.  That meant including the following segments:

  • A control group, where abandoned basket customers were sent no follow up messaging.
  • A group where customers received the existing two follow up emails.
  • And finally a group where customers received both follow up emails plus an item of direct mail.


For the final group, where Programmatic Mail complemented existing marketing channels, response rates increased overall by 6%.  Average order value increased by 8% overall.  Abandoned cart rates were reduced overall by 14% .

Download the guide for more detail on how JD Williams used Programmatic Mail to achieve these results.

Source: JD Williams

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