Ripping up the D&AD Annual produced masterful results.


Masterclasses are D&AD's lifeblood – they teach the perfection expected to win an award. To ensure sign up, D&AD needed to reach the creative training budget holders…on a tiny budget.


D&AD needed to grab these creative leaders’ attention in a dramatic, creative way, but one that would fit the tiny budget.

The D&AD committed sacrilege. The physical D&AD winners' annual is cherished by creatives. So, they ripped it apart and sent those creative leaders the torn page of their own winning work with the message: ‘You know where great work ends up. But does the rest of your agency know where it begins?’


The campaign achieved a 9.1% response – despite being sent 2 weeks before lockdown when training budgets were being slashed.


Source: DMA Awards 2020


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