Women For Women International

Mailing women at work to acquire new donors.


Women for Women International – a small charity led by passionate women – set out to transform the lives of women living in war torn countries.

With a high monthly ask of £22 a month and a small budget they knew that they had to be clever and targeted in their approach.


The audience, successful professional women value networking to help other women. The mailing, sent to them at work to connect to them as professionals, introduced them to ‘the most important contact they would make all year’ – and asked them to, quite literally, turn a women’s life around.


The campaign increased sponsor numbers by 74% and was highly efficient in doing so with a 6:1 ROI

Networking was integral to the campaign’s success – doubling its impact, with 50% of respondents receiving the mailing from someone else.


Source: Women for Women - DMA Award Winner Gold

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