
Location-based direct marketing campaign targeted at pet owners.


Josera is a leading animal nutrition and pet food manufacturer in northern Bavaria, Germany. The company distributes consumer pet food products via specialist pet shops around Germany.

Josera wanted to strengthen its retail channel with an effective marketing program.


An innovative location-based direct marketing campaign was created to introduce new customers to Josera products and direct them to their local retail outlets. The campaign was targeted at pet owners who ordered a pet food sample from the Josera website.

The mailing included a voucher and a personalised postcard with a map showing the locations of Josera retail outlets where the voucher could be redeemed.

Locr calculated the driving distance from the recipient’s address to the location of the two nearest Josera retail outlets and provided a personalised map using Josera branded icons for the retailer locations.

The direct mail piece was further personalised for the pet owner and contained the pet’s name and relevant images according to whether the pet was a cat or a dog. The vouchers, covering letter and sample packs were dispatched in a Josera branded carton.

In order to track results, the vouchers were bar-coded. Using these bar-codes Josera was able to calculate every retailer’s sales conversions and match them to the original enquiry.


Since 2014 the campaign has been running continuously. Conversion rates from the website enquiry that led to purchases at the retail locations increased by 3% in year 1.

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