Get the Attention Advantage

Start winning the battle for your customers' eyeballs with free report and you'll be lapping up the attention in no time.

Download the report

Start boosting your attention marketing 

Are you still looking for the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to getting your consumers’ attention? Well, you’re in the right place.

Our fascinating new report ‘The Attention Advantage’, written by WARC reveals strategies to increase your brand's visibility, boost marketing ROI and, as the title suggests, get the advantage over your competitors.

For example, did you know 2 in 3 say mail attracts their undivided attention? Downloading this report is the first step to getting your brand noticed. So, you’ll just have to start getting used to all the attention!

What you’ll learn: 

  • How brands can deliver significantly high levels of attention using mail. For example, the average attention span for direct mail is 108 seconds
  • Expert views on attention marketing
  • Why nearly 2 in 3 say mail attracts their undivided attention
  • How mail delivers uplifts across every stage of the marketing funnel – driving 65% awareness, 16% consumer consideration and 5% of people to buy on average
  • Why, compared to other media, mail is hugely cost efficient – direct mail costs 42% less per minute of attention than a social display ad
  • Recommended actions for brands to leverage mail’s attention advantage