National Trust

Using a magic poster to get kids playing outside.


With only one in ten kids regularly playing outdoors, the National Trust set out to get kids away from their computers and into the countryside.


They launched a nationwide campaign: ‘50 Things to do before you’re 11¾’. A core audience, members who were parents of children aged between 5 & 11¾ received a mailing to encourage them to get involved. The mail pack featured a magic poster for their child’s bedroom with nocturnal animals hidden beneath a day time scene. The poster came alive at night, once the lights were off, making the kids guaranteed to wake up for adventures in the morning.


The magic Night Safari drove engagement and participation: app downloads increasing 11-fold and while site traffic increased and dwell time shot up from two minutes to seven.

The 90,000 children who signed up spent a combined total of 23 extra years playing outside.

Source: National Trust - DMA Award Winner Bronze


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