Catalogues: Connecting with consumers. Converting sales.

Looking to boost sales in a world of new consumer shopping patterns, media consumption and the cost-of-living crisis?

Our new report, written with industry experts Retail Week, explores how catalogues can help retailers engage with their customers and adapt to changing consumer behaviour. Most importantly it shows how catalogues can convert browsers into buyers, with 55% saying they bought something they saw in a catalogue. Discover these crucial insights, top brand case studies and much more in this must-read report.

Marketreach Retail Week Catalogues report

What you’ll learn

Our report will help you to:

  • Turn browsers into buyers as 76% of consumers said catalogues give them ideas of things to buy​
  • Drive action longer-term​: 55% bought something they saw in a catalogue​
  • Learn how sustainable catalogues can be
  • Provide increased opportunities for engagement: 69% of consumers spend between 5 and 30 minutes reading catalogues
  • Break through the digital noise, with 68% of consumers more likely to notice a catalogue in the post than a marketing email
  • Learn how other brands use catalogues successfully through best-in-class case studies including The White Company, Amazon, Hotel Chocolat and Loaf.

Our report

The retail landscape looks a little different since the pandemic. Consumer shopping patterns are changing and so too is their media consumption. When you consider this is happening alongside a cost-of-living crisis – it’s crucial that retailers adapt to remain competitive.

Our new report, written with industry experts Retail Week, delves deep into the usag of catalogues, across many categories from beauty to sports, identifying consumer attitudes and responses.  Plus demonstrating how top brands use catalogues successfully in case studies from The White Company, Amazon, Hotel Chocolat and Loaf.

The findings were fascinating. Catalogues have the power to turn browsers into buyers as 76% of consumers said catalogues give them ideas of things to buy. This physical browsing experience was valued by consumers too​ as 60% enjoy sitting down, relaxing and looking through them in their own time. Catalogues also proved to drive action longer-term; 55% bought something they saw in a catalogue.​

Download the report to learn how catalogues can help tackle the challenges you’re facing. 

Get your free report

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