Posh Totty

Posh Totty Designs wanted to test a catalogue that showcased their product range, increased basket value and expanded their audience beyond London and South East.
A Royal Mail First Time User discount helped Posh Totty Designs to mail the catalogue to 50k customers and prospects. Epsilon Abacus analysed Posh Totty Designs’ current customers and built an affinity model that identified a target universe of prospects. A 25-page catalogue was mailed the week before Black Friday to drive sales over the busy weekend.
Conversion to sales on Posh Totty Designs’ website (poshtottydesigns.com) tripled over the Black Friday Weekend. Sales stayed elevated for the week after. AOV for customers who received the catalogue was 35% higher.
Did you know a whopping 99% of Customer Mail is engaged with, 71% say they trust it and 43% leads to a commercial action such as going online or making a purchase? New ground-breaking research written with Accenture gives an in-depth review of CX and multi-channel communications, including Customer Mail. Download the full report here.